
Investing in trees is a good idea. The sort of tree planted, its location, and the care offered are all elements that influence how well that investment thrives. Starting your new tree on the right foot will guarantee that it grows to its maximum potential and provides environmental, economic, and social advantages for the rest of its life

Planting Time

Planting new trees is best done during the slumber seasons, which include the autumn after leaf fall and the early spring before bud break. Make sure the temperature is cold, and give young plants time to develop roots before spring showers and summer heat promote fresh top growth.

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Throughout the growing season, you can plant healthy bailed and burlapped or container trees. Any time is a suitable time to plant a new tree in locations where trees grow all year, such as tropical and subtropical climates, as long as there is enough water available.

Stress from Planting

When balled-and-burlapped trees are dug at the nursery, they lose a considerable amount of their root system due to transplant shock, which results in slower development and diminished vigor. Transplant shock is a possibility for container trees. Transplant shock is reduced and recovery is accelerated with proper site preparation, cautious handling to avoid further root injury and adequate aftercareTransplant shock is a state of slower development and diminished vitality that can occur when a tree is balled and burlapped then excavated at the nursery, causing it to lose a major percentage of its root system.

Transplant shock may happen to container trees as well. Transplant shock is reduced and recovery is accelerated with proper site preparation, cautious handling to avoid further root injury and thorough follow-up care

Our Plantations

What is the Best Way to Plant a Tree?

To assist your tree is swiftly establishing itself in its new site, carefully follow these nine steps:

  • The trunk flare is the area at the base of the tree where the trunk extends. After the tree is planted, make sure the trunk flare is visible. If the flare isn't visible, remove additional dirt before planting.
  • Dig a wide, shallow planting hole. Holes should be 2–3 times broader than the root ball, but only half as deep.
  • If the root ball and trunk are wrapped, remove any covering to allow root development. Remove the wire basket or cut off one or two rings to make it more low-profile and less likely to obstruct future root growth. Look for circular roots in the tree root ball and straighten, trim, or eliminate them. If required, expose the trunk flare
  • Trim the tree to the appropriate height. Lift the tree into the hole by the root ball rather than the trunk. The roots of most trees grow in the top 12 inches (30 cm) of soil. Planting a tree too deeply might be damaging to it.
  • Make the tree in the hole straight. Before you fill the hole, have someone look at the tree from several angles to make sure it's straight.
  • Gently yet firmly fill the hole. Stabilize the root ball by packing dirt around the base. To remove air pockets, firmly fill the opening. Watering occasionally while backfilling will help to decrease air gaps even more. Fertilize only after the plants have been planted.
  • If staking is required, three stakes or subsurface support systems offer the best results. Although studies have shown that trees with no stakes produce stronger trunks and roots, stakes may be necessary when planting bare root stock or on windy areas. After the first year of growth, remove the stakes.
  • Mulch around the tree's base. Apply a 2–3 inch (5–7.5 cm) layer of mulch to the trunk, but don't pack too much against it. A 1–2 inch (2.5–5 cm) broad mulch-free region at the base of the tree will decrease damp bark and prevent rot.
  • Assist with follow-up care. Water the soil at least once a week if it doesn't rain, and more frequently if it's hot and windy. Continue until mid-fall, then taper off as the weather cools and less regular watering is required.

Other things to think about:

  • Minor trimming of branches that were damaged during the planting procedure may be necessary.
  • After planting, prune sparingly. Corrective pruning should be postponed until the plant has had a complete season of growth.
  • If you need to wrap your trunk, utilize biodegradable materials and start at the bottom.

Plant Trees With Us

Given the numerous benefits of trees, such as their ability to release oxygen into the air, absorb unpleasant odours as well as harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and sulphur dioxide from the air and purify it, protect us from harmful ultra-violet rays, and play a critical role in preventing soil erosion, maintaining ecological balance, and most importantly, reducing the effects of global warming, the Prasiddhi Forest Foundation was established.

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